It was a large-scale production in non-standard areas of the IT industry. Our task was to create from the scratch a solution in the form of an invoice-issuing device, which is becoming increasingly popular in Poland. It is a self-service device designed to issue an invoice based on a receipt. The project - combining both software and hardware elements - was made for one large chain of large-format stores.
We designed, built from scratch, and developed the software for the invoice-issuing device. To begin with, we focused on a simple creation that would be customer-friendly. The touch screen had to be intuitive for the user while the printer was supposed to be efficient. During the process of construction we paid attention and verified every component that was installed inside the device. The software we wrote enabled the machine to communicate with the API assigned by the store. This allowed the machine to retrieve data from the receipt that was inserted into it. Then the user only had to enter the VAT number and could print the invoice.
We developed and implemented almost a hundred invoice-issuing devices. We were also responsible for the logistics of the project and the ongoing maintenance of the machines. We delivered the machines to selected supermarkets, in dozens of different locations across Poland. The device is extremely easy to operate and combines modern design and user-friendly interface. Customers, after entering all data in the invoice, receive a printout literally after a few seconds. The devices have shortened the waiting time for the document and took the burden off the customer service staff.
Electron, Vue.js, HTML, hardware integration